Free 5-Day Email Course

Marketing Plan Template

Plan Your Online Marketing

Sign up for my free 5-day email course Plan Your Online Marketing and receive:

  • A one-page online marketing plan template (PDF download)
  • A series of five email tutorials explaining how to plan your marketing, set your goals and complete your marketing plan with the tools, calls to action and measures of success you will use.
  • Occasional updates about Get Up to Speed with Online Marketing, such as new editions and new courses.

Plan Your Online Marketing - 5 email tutorials

This course is delivered by email and contains around 4,000 words of valuable marketing advice. Over five days it covers how to:

Day 1: Define your Goals
Day 2: Find your Community
Day 3: Choose your Marketing Tools
Day 4: Identify your Calls to Action
Day 5: Measure your Results

Each day focuses on a specific topic to help you plan your online marketing, and includes useful links and resources to help you get started. There are also homework tasks to complete each day (don’t worry – these are optional and not too onerous!)

Sign up to download your one-page online marketing plan template now, and I’ll look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on planning your marketing over the next five days.

Sign up now
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